Phaedrus Music

L’Empereur – The Emperor

This arcanum as a Universal archetype represents a masculine force, its nature is expansive and dynamic. Fire as vital energy. The physical and mathematical order that rules the Universe and the inexorability of its laws.

The vitality of this arcanum is wonderfully expressed by the intense and rich sound of Miguel Rosell at the cello. The Tarot leitmotif is expanded, and new themes are introduced, that will be used in the second group or “Suite” within the Tarot: “The Emperor”, “The Chariot” and “Death”.

Check out this excerpt:

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Classics Analyses


Is Prog alive and well?

Progressive Rock has been making some noise in the media lately. Kelefa Sanneh’s piece “The Persistence of Prog Rock” published by The New Yorker in June of 2017, has stirred up some debate. For this Phaedrus article, I would like to make an experiment. Since the topic is so controversial, I would like to build the article as a joint effort between all members of the Phaedrus community. The process will be as follows: In this initial article, that will serve as a starting point, I will state my views on the current state of Progressive Rock. I will also post the article in Phaedrus Blog. Based on your answers, comments and additional information provided, I will generate a second version of the article and will publish it as special extra number in Phaedrus, before the Fall edition. Of course, I will give full credit to all those whose material we use to build the new version of the article.

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Fun Corner

Kotebel Corner


Creating a musical representation of “The Mechanical Universe” and “The Entangled Universe” was not too difficult: in “The Mechanical Universe” the pulsating nature of the main theme, the industrial sounds, the baroque emulation of computers, etc. came out naturally. For “The Entangled Universe”, it seemed natural to use counterpoint, imitation and a dense interplay between the instruments to represent “entangledness”. However, How to express the concept of “Oneness” in music?

In order to do that, I used the following concept:

Every material object in the Universe, is nothing more than a different manifestation of a single ubiquitous energy. Different patterns of vibration of that universal energy give rise to every physical entity in the universe. If the vibration pattern was altered, the entity would morph into something else.

So, I took that concept and applied it to create “Oneness”. The first thing I did, was to …

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