When you purchase any of the Volume I options, you also get access to these additional sections:


This section features articles that address a wide variety of subjects, always related to art, culture, philosophy, etc. They cover any topic of potential interest to Art Music lovers, except politics. You can regard this section as a private blog, where topics are presented in such a way as to promote your thought and participation in constructive discussions.

These are the articles included in Phaedrus Volume – I:

Tonality and the Purpose of Life Tonality and the Purpose of Life

The Cult to the Ephemeral and its Effect on Art The Cult to the Ephemeral and its Effect on Art

“Progressive Rock”: a Misleading Tag

The Aura in the Work of Art and its Relation to the Ritual The Aura in the Work of Art and its Relation to the Ritual

About About “Starless”

Improvisation in Progressive Rock Improvisation in Progressive Rock

The Creative Process The Creative Process

Is Prog Alive and Well? (Part 1) Is Prog Alive and Well? (Part 1)

Mythology in Progressive Rock Mythology in Progressive Rock

Is Prog Alive and Well? (Part 2) Is Prog Alive and Well? (Part 2)

Recommended Album

There are too many progressive rock bands; thousands of albums. How can I find new music that I can really enjoy without investing hours reading reviews?

This section is based on a very simple principle: If you like the artists that publish their work in Phaedrus, you will probably like the music that they like.

In this vast Internet ocean where so many albums are produced, it is difficult to identify hidden gems. This section includes albums that are highly regarded by the artists featured in Phaedrus. It includes a brief description of the album, highlighting the aspects that make the album so appealing.

This section can become a valuable resource for you to discover music. It is included free with any purchase.

Fun Corner

Have you ever seen a crossword puzzle dedicated to progressive rock? This section includes progword puzzles and trivia to test your progressive rock skills. Also included free with any purchase.